Document Type : Original Article


1 Health Information Technology Research Center

2 Health Management and Economics Research Center

3 Department of Biostatistics, School of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Works evaluation and critique is one of the most important phases in scientific
production cycle. Reviewers need some aptitude about rules and principles of writing good review.
Considering the important role of books for storage and transferring the scientific findings, book
reviewing is vital to scientific progress. Despite this fact, investigation of Isfahan University of Medical
Science’s journal, demonstrated the number of published book reviews to be very small. This study
aims to investigate the influence of reviewing training courses on participants’ book reviewing
awareness, attitude, and aptitude. Materials and Methods: The study method is experimental with
two group design (with pre‑test and post‑test) and applied. Statistical population is of all faculty
members of the faculty of management and medical information of Isfahan University of Medical
Science, including both hired and contracted employees, which, according to faculty’s department
of Education, consists of 86 people. The sampling method used in this study is random. Number
of samples in case and control groups was calculated using the following equation of n= (z1 + z2)
2 (2s2)/d2 and is 15 people. One checklist and two questionnaires were the means of data collection.
Data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 software and two level of descriptive (mean and SD) and
inferential statistics (t‑test and t‑paired). Results: Findings showed that the mean score of awareness
of book reviews in case group increased meaningfully after the training course (55.7) compared to the
score prior to the intervention (33.1), P < 0.001. On the other hand, the mean score of awareness of
book reviews in control group remained mostly the same before (31.6) and after intervention (35.1),
P = 0.35. The mean score of attitude toward book reviews showed no significant difference before
and after intervention in both case group (71.4 before intervention and 74.4 after intervention,
P = 0.11) and control group (70.9 before intervention and 74.4 after intervention, P = 0.91).
The mean score of book reviewing aptitude in case group showed a significant increase from
10.2 ± 6.7 before intervention to 53.6 ± 26.3, showing a 43.4 increase (P < 0.001), while the control
group’s mean score showed no significant
difference (8.5 before intervention and 8.6 after
intervention, P = 0.996). Conclusion: This study
showed a significant influence of training course
on participants’ book reviewing aptitude and
awareness. But attitude toward book reviews
was in good level from the beginning to the end
and remained mostly unchanged.


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