Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Physical activity patterns and its influencing factors among high school students of Izeh city: Application of some constructs of health belief model
Purpose: This study has been conducted to identify the roles of self-efficacy, benefits of andbarriers to physical activity, and its relationship with physical activity in male and ... Read MoreThe relationship between emotional intelligence health and marital satisfaction: A comparative study
Introduction: Marriage is known as the most important incident in everyone’s life after birth. Themost important purpose of marriage is achieving a life followed with love and ... Read MoreFactors affecting cigarette smoking based on health-belief model structures in pre-university students in Isfahan, Iran
Introduction: The goal of this study was to determine the association between constructs ofthe Health Belief Model (HBM) (i.e., perceived susceptibility to health-related problems due ... Read MoreComparison of satisfactions from mastectomy and Lump Ectome in breast cancer patients
Introduction: The prevalence of breast cancer among women in compare to other types ofcancers in all over the world and in Iran is high. Mastectomy surgery is one of the commontreatments ... Read MorePredicting of perceived self efficacy in the amount of macronutrients intake in women with metabolic syndrome - 2012
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a collection of metabolic disorders, which can increase themortality rates from 20% to 80%. One of strategies to control the disease is the attention ... Read MoreThe relationship between dimensions of religiosity/ spirituality with mental health and hope for future between staff of public hospitals in Shiraz
Introduction: Due to the impacts of spirituality and its dimensions on psychological structures in theworkplace and their ability to influence organizational performances have received ... Read MoreInvestigating the predictive of risk-taking attitudes and behaviors among Iranian drivers
Background: World Health Organization findings shows that up to year 2020 the numberof fatality due to driving accidents will increases up to 65%, which is 80% is in developingcountries. ... Read MoreEffects of work-related stress on work ability index among refinery workers
Introduction: Work-related stress is one of the basic problems in industrial also top10 work-related health problems and it is increasingly implicated in the development a numberof ... Read MoreA comparison of substance dependence treatment information system in America, England, and Iran
Context: Addiction, as a social problem, is a phenomenon that causes structural changes incultural, social, political, and economic system in society. Prevention of this problem meansdecrease ... Read MoreComparison of the effects of povidone-iodine and chlorhexidine solutions on skin bacterial flora among hospitalized infants
Background: Infection control is an essential part of caring for hospitalized infants. Withregard to the change of bacterial resistance over time and places, as well as the need forperiodic ... Read MoreAssociation between dietary iron, iron stores, and serum lipid profile in reproductive age women
Background: Some studies have shown that increased rate of iron stores even in a normalrange may increase cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in some individuals. Lipid disorders arealso ... Read MoreEffectiveness of self-management promotion educational program among diabetic patients based on health belief model
Introduction: Diabetes is a chronic disease; it can cause serious complications. Diabetesself-management is essential for prevention of disease complications. This study wasconducted ... Read MoreEffect of E-learning on primigravida women’s satisfaction and awareness concerning prenatal care
Background: E-learning, in addition to promotion of patients’ level of awareness, causes a moreefficient way to increase patient-personnel interaction and provision of patients’ ... Read MoreInvestigating the faculty evaluation system in Iranian Medical Universities
Introduction: To achieve a valid evaluation of faculty members, it is necessary to develop aninclusive and dynamic system of evaluation addressing all the activities and responsibilities ... Read MoreAn audit of blood bank services
Background: An audit is a written series of simple, direct questions, which when answered andreviewed, tell whether the laboratory is performing its procedures, activities, and policies ... Read MoreSexual behavioral abstine HIV/AIDS questionnaire: Validation study of an Iranian questionnaire
Background: This study was designed to assess the validity and reliability of the designed sexual,behavioral abstinence, and avoidance of high‑risk situation questionnaire (SBAHAQ), ... Read MoreExercise and academic performance among nursing and kinesiology students at US colleges
Context: Lack of physical activity is a contributor to the obesity epidemic and is speculatedto relate to reduced academic performance; however, this link has yet to be examinedwithin ... Read MoreAn assessment of the role of perceived benefits, barriers and self-efficacy in predicting dietary behavior in male and female high school students in the city of Izeh, Iran
Introduction: Paying attention to improving the nutritional status of adolescents can be one of themost effective fundamental measures for preventing chronic diseases, particularly ... Read MoreDetermination of preventive behaviors for pandemic influenza A/H1N1 based on protection motivation theory among female high school students in Isfahan, Iran
Introduction: Influenza A/H1N1 pandemic has recently threatened the health of world’s populationmore than ever. Non-pharmaceutical measures are important to prevent the spread ... Read MoreHyper Text Mark-up Language and Dublin Core metadata element set usage in websites of Iranian State Universities’ libraries
Introduction: Recent progress in providing innovative solutions in the organization of electronicresources and research in this area shows a global trend in the use of new strategies ... Read MoreA school-based education concerning poisoning prevention in Isfahan, Iran
Background: A school-based poisoning prevention program for young school children wasimplemented and evaluated in Isfahan city by Poison Control Center (PCC) of Food andDrug Deputy ... Read MoreEvaluation of dietary habits and related factors among type 2 diabetic patients: An innovative study in Iran
Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess dietary habits and related factorsamong type 2 diabetic mellitus patients for designing an effective nutrition intervention.Materials ... Read MoreCompiling of curriculum for the Master of Science in genetic counseling
Introduction: The demand for genetic counseling has been greatly increased in the recentyears in Iran and the entire world. However, there are no systematic training courses forgenetic ... Read MorePharmacists’ opinions and self-reporting performance regarding the professional tasks and responsibilities in Isfahan, Iran
Background: The pharmacists’ roles and responsibilities toward the pharmaceutical care practicehave developed considerably during the recent years. Objectives: The aim of this ... Read MoreThe prevention and control the type-2 diabetes by changing lifestyle and dietary pattern