Document Type : Original Article


Department of Pharmacy, GRD Institute of Management and Technology, Dehradun, (Uttarakhand), India


Type-2 diabetes is a major, non-communicable disease with increasing prevalence at a global
level. Type-2 diabetes results when the body does not make enough insulin or the body cannot
use the insulin it produces. Type-2 diabetes is the leading cause of premature deaths. Improperly
managed, it can lead to a number of health issues, including heart diseases, stroke, kidney
disease, blindness, nerve damage, leg and foot amputations, and death. Type-2 diabetes or
adult-onset diabetes is most common type of diabetes, usually begins when a person is in
his or her mid-50s, but diabetes is not inevitable. Minor changes in your lifestyle can greatly
reduce your chances of getting this disease. Therefore, in order to prevent this condition, action
should be taken regarding the modifiable factors that influence its development-lifestyle and
dietary habits. However, with proper testing, treatment and lifestyle changes, healthy eating as
a strategy, promote walking, exercise, and other physical activities have beneficial effects on
human health and prevention or treatment of diabetes, promoting adherence to this pattern is
of considerable public health importance.


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