Document Type : Original Article


Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, School of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Marriage is known as the most important incident in everyone’s life after birth. The
most important purpose of marriage is achieving a life followed with love and affection beside
the spouse and providing mental comfort and general health. The aim of the present study is
to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence health and marital satisfaction
among married people. Materials and Methods: The research method is descriptive- analytic
and its design is comparative, done on 226 people including 114 persons (50 women and
64 men) having marital conflicts, and 112 people (58 women and 54 men) having marital
satisfaction, by cluster random sampling from 13 districts of the city of Isfahan. Bar-on (with
90 questions) and Enrich marital satisfaction (115 questions) questionnaires were used
for collecting the required information. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics
including independent t-tests, Pearson correlation, and linear regression analysis, using
SPSS software version 19. Results: The results from the research showed that the scores of
emotional intelligence in married people group having marriage conflicts who had referred to
the administration of justice was 57.3 ± 13.2, and the random sample from the married people
in the city of Isfahan as the comparing group had the score of 67.2 ± 9.5, and the difference of
the average scores for the emotional intelligence for the two groups was significant (P < 0.001).
The correlation analysis showed that there was a significant and positive relation between
emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction (P < 0.001, r = 0.529). The results of linear
regression also showed that the general emotional intelligence predicts the quality of marital
satisfaction. The emotion of the predicting line of the marital satisfaction score (y) is in the form
of: y = 14.8 + 0.656x, by using the emotional intelligence score (x). Conclusion: Regarding
the close relations between emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction, education centers
such as universities, organizations and family clinics could use this variable in micro- and
macro-social plans for improving the quality of the married people relations and promoting
health of the families and the society.


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