Document Type : Original Article
1 Health Management and Economics Research Center
2 Department of Health Services Management, School of Management and Medical Informatics, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Introduction: Cultural intelligence and social compatibility are two acquired processes that their
education and reinforcement between dormitory’s students who have inter cultural interactions
with each other can conclude with results that tension diminution, inter cultural contrast and
conflict, social divisions and consequently healthy and peaceful relationships and governance
and finally mental peace, and health are of its most important. Hence, the research has been
occurring in order to the determination of cultural intelligence relationship with the social
compatibility of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences dormitories resident students in 2012.
Materials and Methods: The research method is descriptive‑correlation, and its population
is composed of all Isfahan University of Medical Sciences dormitories resident students in
2012 that were totally 2500 persons. The two steps sampling method have been used, group
sampling and random sampling has been occurring at first and second steps and totally 447
persons were selected. Research data were collected via Earley and Ang cultural intelligence
questionnaire with 0.76 Cronbach’s alpha Coefficient and California social compatibility standard
questionnaire with higher than 0.70 Cronbach’s alpha factor. Questionnaire data have been
analyzed with the SPSS software and results have been presented in the shape of descriptions
and statistics. Findings: Results showed that there is a direct significant relationship (P < 0.001)
between cultural intelligence and the social adjustment in students living in Isfahan University
of Medical Sciences dormitories and also there is a direct significant relationship in the level
of (P < 0.05) between cognitive and motivational dimensions of cultural intelligence; however,
there is no significant relationship between cognitive and behavioral dimensions of cultural
intelligence and social adjustment (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Cultural intelligence and cognitive
and motivational addition in dimensions of students living in Isfahan University of Medical
Sciences dormitories increase their social integration, therefore, cultural intelligence and social
adjustment of students can be increased through planning and we can try for their mental
health by this way.
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