Document Type : Original Article


1 Brain and Spinal Injury Repair Research Centre (BASIR), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan


The cultural compatibility of sexually related instruments is problematic because the contexts
from which the concepts and meanings were extracted may be significantly different from
related contexts in a different society. This paper describes the instruments that have been used
to assess sexual behaviors, primarily in Western contexts. Then, based on the instruments’
working definition of ‘sexual behavior’ and their theoretical frameworks, we will (1) discuss
the applicability or cultural compatibility of existing instruments targeting women’s sexual
behaviors within an Iranian context, and (2) suggest criteria for sexually related tools applicable
in Iranian settings. Iranian women’s sexual scripts may compromise the existing instruments’
compatibility. Suggested criteria are as follows: understanding, language of sexuality, ethics
and morality. Therefore, developing a culturally comprehensive measure that can adequately
examine Iranian women’s sexual behaviors is needed.


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