Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
The impact of outreach programs on academics development, personal development and civic responsibilities of dental students in Bhubaneswar city
INTRODUCTION: Inequalities persists in distribution, accessibility, and utilization of oral healthservices between urban and rural population. One approach to lessen this inequality ... Read MoreReview process of the health scientific journals according to explanation of experts
INTRODUCTION: Reviewing articles are one of the most important methods for maintaining andimproving the scientific quality of research outputs, especially in the field of health and ... Read MoreHealth information needs assessment among self‑help groups and willingness for involvement in health promotion in a rural setting in Puducherry: A mixed‑method study
BACKGROUND: Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over theirown health. Community involvement in social and environmental interventions tends to improvepeople’s ... Read MoreInvestigating the service provision challenges by healthcare providers in selected comprehensive health centers
INTRODUCTION: The healthcare program has opponents and supporters with its multiple policiesand also its difficult implementation, which requires that its barriers and problems be addressedcomprehensively ... Read MoreEffect of reflective thinking on academic performance among undergraduate dental students
INTRODUCTION: Self‑directed learning is a vital principle promoted in health profession’s education,particularly with the increasing use of online learning methods. Likewise, ... Read MoreHealthcare‑seeking behavior and its relating factors in South of Iran
INTRODUCTION: Health systems aimed to increase health utilization. Habits and behavior aboutusing health facilities, which is called health-seeking behavior, are different among different ... Read MoreComparison of attachment styles of addicted parents and non‑addicted parents in health‑care referents
BACKGROUND: Growing interest in issues of attachment, sociocultural, psychological, and aboveall clinical perspectives is also reflected in the emergence of research on “attachment ... Read MoreLearning styles and approaches among medical education participants
PURPOSE: There are different learning styles adopted by medical education participants. The aimof this study is to investigate which learning styles and approaches are preferred to ... Read MorePredictors of mammography based on Health Belief Model in Khorramabad women
BACKGROUND: Health beliefs play an important role in people’s willingness to participate inhealth‑promoting behaviors. Given the role of beliefs in women’s function and ... Read MoreDevelopment and validation of a cultural competence questionnaire for health promotion of Iranian midwives
INTRODUCTION: Cultural competence is the main component of cultural care; therefore, it isnecessary to be aware of its levels. The lack of a suitable tool that can measure cultural ... Read MoreNurses’ consultative role to health promotion in patients with chronic diseases
AIMS: Although chronic diseases are the most common and expensive health problems, they arepreventable too. Nurses play a key role in the care of these patients. One of the important ... Read MoreExploring the knowledge and attitude of public about mental health problems: A pilot intervention for effective mental health promotion
CONTEXT: The knowledge about mental health problems among the general public is comparativelyquite low. The pilot study was conducted with an aim to increase the knowledge of the day‑to‑daymental ... Read MoreKnowledge, attitudes, and coping strategies regarding pubertal changes among adolescent girls: Risks and compliances for health promotion in puberty
BACKGROUND: Adolescent girls experience physical, psychological, and social changes duringpuberty. Lack of sufficient information, skills, and readiness to overcome this stressful situation ... Read MoreInvestigating the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation and the health of pregnant women
INTRODUCTION: Mental health is one of the focuses of the health assessment of differentcommunities and plays an important role in ensuring the dynamism and efficiency of each community.Pregnancy ... Read MoreInvestigating the observance of educational justice in Iranian universities: From students’ viewpoints
BACKGROUND: Educational justice is one of the fundamental dimensions of social justice, and theprogress of each society depends on its realization. Since students are engaged in the ... Read MoreChallenges of patient handover process in healthcare services: A systematic review
BACKGROUND: The patient handover process is in fact a valuable and essential part of the careprocesses in the hospitals. This can be a factor in increasing the quality and effectiveness ... Read MoreEffect of simulation‑based training method on the psychological health promotion in operating room students during the educational internship
BACKGROUND: Simulation is one of the strategies which are suggested and used to reduce stressand anxiety in clinical student education. This study aimed to determine the effect of simulation‑basedtraining ... Read MoreRole of basic sciences in making of a clinician: Perspectives of medical students from North India
BACKGROUND: Advances in scientific research necessitates updating of the curriculum andthe Medical Council of India now Board of Governors have proposed a new competency‑basedundergraduate ... Read MoreCustomers’ satisfaction with the Iranian health system reform plan
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Customer’s satisfaction is one of the main goals of the health systembecause it is effective on the desire of external customers for using the services of ... Read MorePredictive factors for preventing hookah smoking and health promotion among young people based on the protection motivation theory
BACKGROUND: Smoking hookahs is one of the most preventable risk factors for non communicablediseases. It is also considered as the gateway to youth addiction. Planning and training ... Read MoreAssessing the educational services quality of health information technology students
INTRODUCTION: Responsibility in the higher educational system requires the universities to besensitive on students’ needs and expectations. The purpose of the present study was ... Read MoreThe effectiveness of an intervention program -barton intervention programon reading fluency of Iranian students with dyslexia
BACKGROUND: Difficulty with reading fluency has been increasingly acknowledged as a significantaspect of reading disabilities which is called dyslexia. To investigate this important ... Read MoreAnalyzing the social aspects of the integrated program of field training, research, and rural development course, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira, Sudan
INTRODUCTION: Social factors such as culture, race, education, belief, and living and workingenvironment can be part of the causes of diseases or influence the natural history of a ... Read MoreSpiritual well‑being promotion for older adults: Implication for healthcare policy makers’ decision making on cost savings