Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Using information sources by breast cancer women treated with mastectomy
BACKGROUND: Awareness of sources of information of mastectomy patients has an important rolein accessibility of reliable health information sources, thus, when they get information, ... Read MoreThe presence of the child, the opportunity or a threat to marital satisfaction: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: The aim of this qualitative study was to explore if the presence of a child in thefamily was an opportunity or threat to the marital life.METHODS: In this common qualitative ... Read MoreEffectiveness of stress inoculation training on occupational stress of midwives in healthcare centers of Zahedan in Health Transformation Plan in 2017
INTRODUCTION: Occupational stress is a main problem of healthcare workers, which significantlyaffects their professional and personal performance. The aim of this study was to determine ... Read MoreEffect of educational intervention on promoting self‑care in hemodialysis patients: Applying the self‑efficacy theory
BACKGROUND: Hemodialysis patients experience many issues in self‑care behavior. Patientsrequire to control of manage the issue to improve the self‑care. Educational intervention ... Read MorePeer‑assisted teaching method to foster learning physiological basis of electrocardiography among 1st year medical graduate students: An interventional study
INTRODUCTION: In peer‑assisted teaching (PAT) method, students are encouraged to prepare,organize, and construct their learning program under the guidance of a teacher. The objective ... Read MoreIntervention strategies for improvement of disasters risk perception: Family‑centered approach
Introduction: Today, the role of people in crisis management plans is of particular importance dueto the prepared community approach. It is difficult or impossible to attract public ... Read MoreEvaluating the academic advisors’ communication skills according to the students living in dormitory
BACKGROUND: As revealed by previous research studies, stress, lack of problem‑solving ability,and weakness may influence the academic performance of students who study medicine or ... Read MoreThe prevalence of panic disorder and its related factor in hospitalized patients with chest pain and normal angiography
BACKGROUND: Chest pain is one of the common causes for referrals to cardiologists, 50% of whichhave no‑cardiac origin. The occurrence of chest pains is among the most important factors ... Read MoreParents outlook on preventive dental modalities for their children in Udham Singh Nagar, India
AIM: The aim is to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices of parents toward preventivedental treatment modalities.METHODOLOGY: A convenient sample of parents was selected randomly ... Read MoreMen’s educational needs assessment in terms of their participation in prenatal, childbirth, and postnatal care
BACKGROUND: Despite the importance of men’s role in prenatal care and its impact on the outcomeof a high‑risk pregnancy, in many countries, including Iran, men are not aware ... Read MoreThe characteristic features of emergency food in national level natural disaster response programs: A qualitative study
INTRODUCTION: One of the most important responsibilities of governments and relief agencies aftereach natural disaster is to provide the victims with emergency food items. This is an ... Read MoreBest practices to impart clinical skills during preclinical years of medical curriculum
Globally, health is regarded as a booming industry with greater stress being laid on high quality,accountability, and transparency. Traditional medical curricula rely primarily on clerkships ... Read MoreThe effects of cool dialysate on quality of sleep among patients undergoing hemodialysis: A randomized clinical trial
INTRODUCTION: Low quality of sleep is a common problem among hemodialysis patients. Thisstudy was conducted to evaluate the effect of a cold dialysis solution on the quality of sleep ... Read MoreStructural challenges in the health domain of the health system reform: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Considering that the Qom University of Medical Sciences was a pioneerto implement the health system reform (HSR) in the domain of health services and the lack of ... Read MoreComparing the effects of two different educational methods on clinical skills of emergency intermediate technician: A quasi‑experimental research
BACKGROUND: Assessing the clinical skills of prehospital Intermediate technician is consideredto be one of the priorities in dealing with diseases, which may provide an appropriate ... Read MoreThe undergraduate medical student’s perception of professional mentorship: Results from a developing nation’s medical school
INTRODUCTION: There are no documented formal mentoring programs for medical students inNigeria. This study aims to determine the perception of undergraduate medical students at theUniversity ... Read MoreA study on association of premarital attitude toward intact hymen in new grooms: A cross‑sectional study
BACKGROUND: Young people’s attitudes toward marriage have been undergone changes inrecent years and it seems to be contradicting in the struggle between conservative and modernliberal ... Read MoreNatural disasters and challenges toward achieving food security response in Iran
INTRODUCTION: The consequences induced by the natural disasters such as damage to foodsystems and destruction of livelihood‑related infrastructure can threaten the food security of ... Read MoreEffectiveness of oral health education program using braille text in a group of visually impaired children‑before and after comparison trial