Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Health Services Management, School of Health Management and Information Science, Iran University of Medical Sciences

2 Department of Health Services Management, Health Management and Economics Research Centre, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Health Services Management, School of Health Management and Information Science, Iran University of Medical Sciences,


INTRODUCTION: The consequences induced by the natural disasters such as damage to food
systems and destruction of livelihood‑related infrastructure can threaten the food security of the
people. Hence, food security measures are one of the most important responses concerning the
management of natural disasters. This study was conducted to identify the challenges of food security
response following natural disasters in Iran.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted using a qualitative approach. The data
were collected through semi‑structured interviews with 29 key subjects; selected using purposive
sampling. The qualitative content analysis was run to analyze the data collected.
RESULTS: Based on the findings of this study, food security response challenges following the
occurrence of natural disasters in Iran were classified into three main themes:  (1) underlying
challenges, (2) challenges of process and resources management, and (3) challenges of organizing
and coordinating. These themes consisted of 11 subthemes.
CONCLUSION: Following the occurrence of natural disasters, the management challenges, as well
as the lack of coordination and organization between the stakeholders, are the serious challenges
to achieving food security. Meanwhile, underlying challenges like climate change in the context of
unsustainable living conditions of the vulnerable people have aggravated the food security response


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