Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of Health Information Technology, Faculty of Para‑Medicine, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran

3 Scientometrics Office, Vice Chancellery of Research, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

4 PhD in Information Sciences and Knowledge Studies, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences


BACKGROUND: Awareness of sources of information of mastectomy patients has an important role
in accessibility of reliable health information sources, thus, when they get information, they can be
effective in the treatment and self‑care. The present study aimed to identify the sources of information
used by women underwent mastectomy.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The current practical research methodology was qualitative, and
research method was conventional qualitative content analysis was performed on 17 patients with
breast cancer undergone mastectomy. The sample targeted two hospitals were selected based on
criteria of Shaeid Mohammadi and the Persian Gulf and Omid Central chemotherapy in Babdar
Abbas. Data were collected by face‑to‑face semi‑structured interviews were conducted in winter
2015. Qualitative content analysis of data was performed at the same time of data collection.
RESULTS: Three themes were seemed (medical, interpersonal, and media) sources for explaining
the sources of information searching. Subcategories derived from the content of medical (physicians,
surgeons, and health workers of health facility centers), interpersonal sources (Family and friends,
peers), and media sources (printed, electronic, and Internet).
CONCLUSION: Given the importance of information on women underwent mastectomy, and their
priority in the use of medical sources, necessitates more attention of health system managers and
planners in providing essential information and their accessibility.


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