Document Type : Original Article
- . Sukirat Kaur
- . Ravishankar Lingesha Telgi
- . Vaibhav Tandon
- . Ramneek Kaur
- . Shyamalima Bhattacharyya
AIM: The aim is to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices of parents toward preventive
dental treatment modalities.
METHODOLOGY: A convenient sample of parents was selected randomly from four schools of
Udham Singh Nagar, India. The data were collected through questionnaire on dental preventive
modalities. The questionnaire includes questions pertaining to knowledge and practices toward pit
and fissure sealants, fluoride application, and dental visits. Questions pertaining attitude toward the
same were asked after the motivational program.
RESULTS: The majority of the parents were unaware that dental caries could be prevented by
preventive treatment modalities. None of their children had undergone preventive procedures.
Even after visiting dentist, 70% of parents were not informed about the preventive treatments by
their respective dentists. Even after our motivational program, around one‑third of the parents were
reluctant to accept preventive procedures for their children.
CONCLUSION: Parent’s knowledge about the preventive dental procedures for their children
was insufficient. Dentists are not encouraging parents about the benefits of preventive treatment
modalities. Based on our findings, promotional efforts encouraged 64% of parents to embrace
preventive procedures for their children. The present study emphasizes the need to educate parents
and their children.
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