Document Type : Original Article


Department of Public Health, College of Public Health, Imam Abdul Rehman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, KSA


PURPOSE: There are different learning styles adopted by medical education participants. The aim
of this study is to investigate which learning styles and approaches are preferred to be learnt by
medical students.
METHODOLOGY: It is a cross‑sectional study; 320 students were selected through stratified random
sampling. Visual, auditory, read/write, and kinesthetic questionnaire was used which measures
dimension of learning styles and approaches.
RESULTS: Majority of medical students have preferred (32%) for Kinesthetic modality; 26% for
Aural; Visual 21% and Reading/Writing 21%. The majority (53%) preference for Bimodal modality;
41% for Unimodal; 5% for Trimodal and 1% for Multimodal.
CONCLUSION: Medical education participants commonly used kinesthetic styles, and there is no
difference among different year of study; but, in learning approach, multimodal has increased as year
of studying increased. It suggests that curriculum of medical education should be revised according
to result of research.


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