Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Anesthesia, Paramedic School, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran

2 Nursing Care Research Center, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran


BACKGROUND: Simulation is one of the strategies which are suggested and used to reduce stress
and anxiety in clinical student education. This study aimed to determine the effect of simulation‑based
training method on psychological health promotion in operating room students in their educational
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was a clinical trial. Research population was operating
room students at Semnan University of Medical Sciences. A demographic questionnaire and the
Spielberger’s Situational Anxiety Inventory were used as data collection tools. Students were divided
into two intervention and control groups randomly. Situational anxiety was measured before the
intervention and on the 1st and the last days of the internship. The data from the two groups were
compared by using the Mann–Whitney and Friedman statistics at the significant level of 0.05.
RESULTS: There was a significant difference between students’ situational anxiety scores in the
experimental and control groups on the 1st day of internship after education by simulation (P = 0.481).
There was a significant difference between the students’ anxiety scores in the two groups on the last
day of the internship (P = 0.008).
CONCLUSION: Simulation of the operating room environment before the internship cannot reduce
the operating room students’ situational anxiety on the 1st day of internship, but it can reduce their
situational anxiety during the internship and significantly reduce it at the end of internship compared
to those who are not in the simulated environment.


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