Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Factors affecting the overcrowding in outpatient healthcare
Background: The expansion of outpatient services and the desire to provide more outpatientcare than inpatient care create some problems such as the overcrowding in the outpatientclinics. ... Read MorePregnant women’s preferences for mode of delivery questionnaire: Psychometric properties
Introduction: The rate of caesarean delivery is increasing worldwide. Maternal beliefs may beinfluential on the mode of delivery. This study aimed to validate pregnant women’s ... Read MoreThe comparison of printed resources bacterial contamination in libraries of Al‑Zahra Hospital and Sciences Faculty of Isfahan University and the determination of their antibiotic sensitivity pattern
Introduction: During the library loan process, the printed resources can be a carrier ofpathogenic bacteria. In this study, it was tried to compare the Bacterial Contamination Ratesand ... Read MoreEfficacy of purposeful educational workshop of medical and nonmedical interventions based on needs assessments in nurses
Background: The medical and nonmedical care of patients is the necessary skills in nursingprofession. That it needs proper knowledge and attitude. Hence, it is important to promotenurses’ ... Read MoreThe relationship between media literacy and health literacy among pregnant women in health centers of Isfahan
Background: The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and convey information in various formsof media including print and nonprint requires media literacy, but the capacity to obtain, ... Read MoreNurses’ commitment to respecting patient dignity
Background: Although respecting human dignity is a cornerstone of all nursing practices,industrialization has gradually decreased the attention paid to this subject in nursing care.Therefore, ... Read MoreJob demand‑control and job stress at work: A cross‑sectional study among prison staff
Introduction: Job stress can impose significant costs to the workplaces and organizationsdue to some issues such as absenteeism, less productivity, and medical costs. Job overloadand ... Read MoreInformation seeking anxiety among M.A. Students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Background: Information‑seeking anxiety is a feeling caused by abundance of information orfailure to proper interpret the information that can adversely affect the ability of individuals ... Read MoreEffectiveness of concept mapping and traditional linear nursing care plans on critical thinking skills in clinical pediatric nursing course
Introduction: Concept map is a useful cognitive tool for enhancing a student’s criticalthinking (CT) by encouraging students to process information deeply for understanding.However, ... Read MoreHow much elderly people of Isfahan are adherent to their drug therapy regimens?
Background: The need for a correct follow‑up for medical advices of health givers is thecornerstone for avoiding drug‑related complications in especial period of elderly people ... Read MoreA comparison the effects of reflexology and relaxation on the psychological symptoms in women with multiple sclerosis
Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) occurs with a variety of physical and psychologicalsymptoms, yet there is not a conclusive cure for this disease. Complementary medicine is acurrent ... Read MoreThe effect of electronic education on knowledge of patients with multiple sclerosis
Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) could be considered as one of the most common chronicdisorders of the central nervous system. However, patient education tasks in this group area ... Read MorePredicting body mass index in women: The value of the psychological components of depression, anxiety, dietary restraint, and nutritional habits
Background: Understanding the association between psychological affective disturbancesand anthropometric parameters, including body mass index (BMI), is important. These issuesmay have ... Read MoreAltruism, the values dimension of caring self‑efficacy concept in Iranian pediatric nurses
Background: Self‑efficacy is the most influential among factors affecting nurses’ performance.Yet, understanding of the constituent elements of the caring self‑efficacy concept ... Read MoreThe survey of mindfulness in multiple sclerosis patients and its association with attachment style
Background: Mindfulness may be conceptualized as a dispositional trait which differsacross individuals, so this study was, therefore, designed to determine the survey ofmindfulness ... Read MoreThe impact of the customer relationship management on organizational productivity, customer trust and satisfaction by using the structural equation model: A study in the Iranian hospitals
Context: One of the challenges in the fiercely competitive space of health organizations isresponding to customers and building trust and satisfaction in them in the shortest time, ... Read MoreThe impact of mother’s literacy on child dental caries: Individual data or aggregate data analysis?
Introduction: To evaluate the impact of mother’s literacy on child dental caries based on anational oral health survey in Iran and to investigate the possibility of ecological ... Read MoreModification of infant hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria screening program using electronic tools
Background: Congenital hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria (PKU) are the most commoncause for preventable mental retardation in infants worldwide. Timely diagnosis and treatmentof these ... Read MoreAssessment of nonscholastic abilities and its associated factors among medical students: An exploratory study
Background: Nonscholastic abilities among medical students are an important area of concernfor the health professionals. Very few studies had been conducted in the past with regard ... Read MoreA comparative study of the origin, structure, and indexing language of the Persian and English keywords of articles indexed in the IranMedex database and their compliance with the Persian medical thesaurus and Medical Subject Headings
Introduction: In the present era, thesauri as tools in indexing play an effective role in integratingretrieval preventing fragmentation as well as a multiplicity of terminologies and ... Read MoreEffects of progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery and deep diaphragmatic breathing on quality of life in elderly with breast or prostate cancer