1 Department of Health Services Management, School of Management and Medical Information Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz
2 Health Services Management Research Center, Institute for Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
Background: The expansion of outpatient services and the desire to provide more outpatient
care than inpatient care create some problems such as the overcrowding in the outpatient
clinics. Given the importance of overcrowding in the outpatient clinics, this qualitative study
aimed to determine the factors influencing the overcrowding in the specialty and subspecialty
clinic of a teaching hospital. Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative study conducted in
the specialty and subspecialty clinic of a hospital using content analysis method in the period
of January to March 2014. The study population was all managers and heads of the outpatient
wards. The studied sample consisted of 22 managers of the clinic wards who were selected
using the purposive sampling method. The required data was collected using semi‑structured
interviews. The collected data was analyzed using conventional content analysis and the
MAXQDA 10.0 software. Results: Three themes were identified as the main factors affecting
the overcrowding including the internal positive factors, internal negative factors, and external
factors. Conclusions: Despite the efforts made to eliminate overcrowding, and reduce waiting
times and increase access to the services for patients, the problem of overcrowding still has
remained unresolved. In addition, the use of some strategies such as clarifying the working
processes of the clinic for staff and patients and the relationships between the clinic and
other wards especially emergency department, as well as using a simple triage system on the
patients’ arrival at the clinic are recommended.
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