. Vijay Kumar Chattu; . Andy W Knight; . Sebastian Kevany; . Annamarie Bindenagel Sehovic
Volume 1, Issue 1 , 1990, Pages 1-1
The political, social, economic, and security implications of health‑related issues such as emerginginfectious diseases or the epidemic of Non Communicable Diseases offer a rare opportunity ...
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The political, social, economic, and security implications of health‑related issues such as emerginginfectious diseases or the epidemic of Non Communicable Diseases offer a rare opportunity forprofessionals in foreign policy and international relations to engage with the health arena and at thesame time for global health experts to enter into and intersect with the domain of diplomacy. The aimof this review is to understand and explore the concepts of global health diplomacy (GHD), healthsecurity, and human security. For this narrative review, a literature search was done in PubMed,Scopus, and EBSCO for the “global health diplomacy,” “health security,” and “human security,” andfull‑texts were reviewed. The recent outbreaks of Ebola in West Africa and Zika in South Americaare pertinent examples of the nature of the human security crisis and the imminent and severe threatposed to human life across the globe as a result of these epidemics. The Commission on HumanSecurity defines human security as the protection of the vital core of all human lives from criticaland pervasive threats. We highlight the ways in which health has now become an issue of nationalsecurity/global concern and also how GHD can aid in the development of new bilateral or multilateralagreements to safeguard the health and security of people in our globalized world. The paper providesa prospective about, and overview of, health and human security that essentially emphasizes thegrowing interlinkages between global health, diplomacy, and foreign policy