Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Author = . Zahra Mohebbi‑Dehnavi
Number of Articles: 8
Investigating the relationship between religious orientation and spiritual intelligence with general health dimensions in women with breast cancer
Volume 13, Issue 2 , February 2023, , Pages 1-5
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer and the second leading causeof death among women. Religion and spiritual behaviors are effective strategies for maintaininghuman ... Read MoreComparison of the effect of two educational methods based on mindfulness and cognitive emotion strategies on psychological well‑being and anxiety of eighth‑semester midwifery students before the final clinical trial
Volume 12, Issue 8 , September 2022, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Midwifery services help maintain and improve the health of the community. However,a comprehensive examination reduces students’ psychological well‑being by creating ... Read MoreEffect of spiritual care education on the spiritual health of preeclamptic women with postpartum stress disorder
Volume 11, Issue 10 , November 2021, , Pages 1-7
BACKGROUND: Spiritual health in the field of health has a great importance in mental disorders andposttraumatic stress disorders, in treatment process. The present study was done aiming ... Read MoreInvestigating the relationship between the dimensions of mindfulness and maternal attachment to the fetus during pregnancy
Volume 11, Issue 10 , November 2021, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Maternal attachment to the fetus is a term used to describe the emotional relationshipbetween mother and fetus. This emotional connection increases during pregnancy and ... Read MoreInvestigating the relationship between social support and self‑compassion by improving the adequacy of prenatal care
Volume 10, Issue 12 , December 2020, , Pages 1-7
INTRODUCTION: Getting pregnant care is different due to the psychological problems of pregnantmothers. Self‑compassion and social support are the important components of mental health.Women ... Read MoreThe relationship between hope and happiness with prenatal care
Volume 10, Issue 8 , August 2020, , Pages 1-6
INTRODUCTION: Prenatal care refers to proper and principled implementation aimed at maintaininga healthy pregnancy in terms of physical health and favorable psychological outcomes for ... Read MoreThe relationship between hope and resilience with promoting maternal attachment to the fetus during pregnancy
Volume 10, Issue 3 , March 2020, , Pages 1-7
INTRODUCTION: Maternal attachment to the fetus is an emotional bond and the unique relationshipof the pregnant woman to the fetus. Attachment is an important predictor of mental health. ... Read MoreThe relationship between spiritual and emotional intelligence and sexual satisfaction of married women
Volume 8, Issue 12 , December 2018, , Pages 1-7