Document Type : Original Article
Department of Physiology, PSMC, Bhaikaka University, Karamsad, Gujarat, India
BACKGROUND: Linking anatomy with the clinical approach for creating an inquisitive mind for
a millennium via the digital platform is the need of the hour. Traditional lecturing makes students
have rote memorization of the human anatomy. The inquiry‑based project will allow undergraduate
medical students to have a deeper understanding of human anatomy along with team building and
interpersonal skill development. This approach of teaching would allow students to link the content
taught for human anatomy with its clinical applicability and probably generate inquisitiveness for
further exploring the course content. The study aimed to appraise and assess the perception of
medical students and faculty about the inquiry‑based digitalized project presentation.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive cross‑sectional study was conducted for inquiry‑based
project presentation where students were divided into 15 groups with 15 inquiries, which were
presented as projects on a digital platform under the guidance of the facilitator. The perception
of students and faculty for the inquiry‑based approach was collected using a validated survey
questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed by SPSS‑version 15, using descriptive statistics,
Friedman’s rank, and thematic analysis for qualitative data.
RESULT: In total, 117 students participated in the pre‑test and 129 in the post‑test part of the study.
Also, 79.1% of students appreciated that the inquiry‑based project presentation approach allowed
them to link anatomy with different courses; 73.6% agreed that this approach has a positive impact
on their attitude toward learning anatomy. Then, 75.2% students appreciated of learning new skills
using the digital platform. They agreed to have developed leadership (65.1%) and team‑building
skills (83.7%) and self‑directed learning (SDL) improvement (71.3%). However, some students (9.3%)
and faculty (16.7%) had been ostracized for presenting their inquiry‑based projects on a digital
platform, whereas 65.1% of students appreciated this approach.
CONCLUSION: Inquiry‑based learning approach would allow students to have a deeper
understanding of the subject knowledge and skills for the SDL and learn strategies for the usage of
virtual technology for literature search.
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