Document Type : Original Article
BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) pandemic has created unprecedented
challenges for the Indian health‑care system. Nurses, being vital partners of health care, experience
tremendous challenges and job stress to deliver quality health care with limited resources. Drastic
surge in health‑care demands during COVID‑19 pandemic amplified the challenges for nurses, yet it
remains a neglected area of concern. Job resources like working conditions, team support, and job
demands like workload, stress, and ethical dilemmas greatly affect the job satisfaction and health
outcomes in nurses. The study aims to identify the job demands and resources among nurses in
connection to COVID 19.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A quantitative cross‑sectional design was adopted to assess the
impact of job demands and resources among registered nurses (N = 102).Those in the age group
of 21–58 years and working in regular and COVID‑19 patient care were included. Semi‑structured
interview schedule was used, and psychological impact was assessed through DASS‑21 scale. Data
analysis was done by descriptive and analytical statistical applications using Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences (SPSS) 20. The level of significance was P ≤ 0.05.
RESULTS: The study findings revealed that 66.67% of the nurses frequently experienced work
pressure, 72.55%experienced frequent moral distress, and 80.4%were dissatisfied due to being
non‑participatory inpatient care decision making. Of all, 67.3% agreed that they hadjob dissatisfaction
and 79.4% felt conflicting work climate.
CONCLUSION: Nurses, being key players in the health care, experience constant challenges in
the delivery of safe and quality patient care. Addressing the challenges of job stress and promoting
job resources can positively impact their job satisfaction, perceived autonomy, job morale, and
commitment, which directly influence positive health outcomes.
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