Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Management, Qom University, Qom, Iran

2 Health Information Technology Research Centre, Faculty Member, University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


BACKGROUND: The Internet of Things is a revolution in health care both in the field of patient
treatment and health information management. This technology can improve the status of patients,
providing them with healthcare, collecting, sharing, storing and analyzing their medical information.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Since the use of the IOT will create a wonderful future in the field of
electronic health and the telecommunications industry, hospitals, health centers and policymakers
in the health sector in the country should not neglect to get advantage of this technology. Therefore,
this study aims to collect the necessary indicators for entering this technology and also measuring
its preparation to use it.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a practical research and in terms of information gathering, a
descriptive survey type that describes and evaluates the preparation of IOT technology implementation
in hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. In order to measure the preparation
for implementation of such technology in the treatment centers, a model based on the opinion of
the experts in this area should be designed. According to which the model of this assessment in 5
different sections in the treatment centers that require this technology are also significant and Effective
changes will be reviewed to assess their preparation.
RESULT: According to the standard coefficients obtained as a result of reviewing the opinions of
the experts in this field, the most effective factor is "training of specialist staff in the university" and
the least effective factor is "purchasing technical knowledge from universities and affiliated centers".
CONCLUSION: The results show that current hospitals are not prepared to move to this area and
the universities should be able to enter the field quickly.


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