Document Type : Original Article


Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology University, Kedah, Malaysia


AIM: This study was intended to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes regarding infant’s oral health
care among graduating medical students from Kulasekaram, Tamil Nadu.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional survey research design was employed in this
study. Self-administered questionnaire of the validated “Graduating medical students’ Knowledge and
Attitudes Survey Regarding Infant’s oral health care” were utilized to ascertain the baseline levels of
knowledge and attitudes of graduating medical students’ in Kulasekaram hospital. In this regard, a
preliminary study with a convenience sample of 100 medical students was conducted so as to assess
the knowledge of infant oral health care among graduating medical students in Kulasekaram. This
study, while limited in sample size, benefits the general practitioners as target readers to assess the
abnormalities in children at early stages of life.
RESULTS: The results of the study revealed that the mean percentage score overall was 65.7%.
Only 3.2% of participants obtained a passing score of 80% or greater. Widespread knowledge deficits
and poor attitudes among graduating medical students were noted in this study, particularly in the
domain of pharmacological management of pain. Positive correlations were observed between the
respondents’ score and level of education. Further analysis revealed respondents had an inaccurate
self-evaluation of their pain management knowledge.
CONCLUSION: The results of this study reveal that there is dearth of knowledge and attitudes of
graduating medical students’ regarding infant oral health care. Educational and quality improvement
initiatives in oral health care of infants could enhance medical student’s knowledge baseline in the
area of oral health care and possibly improve practices.


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