Document Type : Original Article



INTRODUCTION: Families, especially parents, play an important role in identifying their children’s
talents and directing their educational journey. The role of parents in their children career applies
both to collectivist and to noncollectivist culture.
AIM: To examine the correlation between parental influences on medical students’ self‑efficacy and
career exploration in collectivist culture.
METHODS: This research was a quantitative study. The study involved 1017 medical students of
medical faculties in four faculties of medicine in Indonesia. All data were collected online in August
2018. The study was conducted using an online survey questionnaire and analyzed to finally form a
model that displays the determinants of career exploration behavior. The data were analyzed using
the maximum likelihood estimation in IBM AMOS 24.
RESULTS: The results found a model that has various routes toward career exploration in collectivist
culture. Path analysis revealed both direct and direct effect toward the variable studied. Parents’
expectations had influence on self‑efficacy.
CONCLUSION: The findings show the important role between the influence of parents expectations
for self‑efficacy and career exploration in children.


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