Document Type : Original Article



INTRODUCTION: It is less than a decade in Iran that integrated health kiosks have been limitedly
provided to public by private sector. Considering the significant benefits of them, this study aimed
to identify the barriers and facilitators for deploying kiosks in Iran’s formal health system in three
phases, “design and construct, implement, and use.”
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a qualitative study in Iran, and the data were collected
through 20 semi‑structured interviews with experts in 2019. Participants were selected by purposeful
method with the most diversity in terms of background and work experience; the interview texts were
coded in MAXQDA10 software and analyzed through framework analysis. Participants’ viewpoint
was used to verify the data and observers’ review to confirm them.
RESULTS: The barriers for designing and constructing kiosks were identified in the form of two main
themes: the overall structure of the country and the structure of the health system; the obstacles for
implementing were categorized in one main theme, lack of sources; and the barriers to use were also
fall into four themes related to people, policymakers, service providers, and designers of kiosks. The
facilitators at construction and implementation phases included the overall structure of the country
and the structure of health system. At the use stage, the facilitators related to people, health and
insurance policymakers, and owners and constructers were identified.
CONCLUSION: It is possible to deploy health kiosks in the Iranian formal health system, although
there are some time‑consuming and costly barriers which can be overcome by the strengths and
opportunities of the system.


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