Document Type : Original Article
Health Management and Economics Research Center, Department of Medical Library and Information Science, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
BACKGROUND: Entrepreneurship is the engine of economic growth and a main symbol of innovation
in any country. The health system of the country needs entrepreneur managers to eradicate the
problems and provide better services. The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting the
nurturing of entrepreneurial managers in the Iran’s health system.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was carried out qualitatively with the grounded
theory method and through semi‑structured interviews with six questions. The data sources
were 22 key informants who were purposefully selected from healthcare organizations and other
entrepreneurship‑related institutions. Data were analyzed and interpreted using the framework
analysis. Data were managed and analyzed using MAXQDA software.
RESULTS: Findings of this study indicated 6 main themes and 46 subthemes. The six factors
affecting the development of entrepreneurial managers in the Iran’s health system were determined
as individual, family, social, economic, organizational, and educational.
CONCLUSION: Iranian health organizations need to nurture entrepreneurial managers to tackle the
challenges of the health system, compete internationally, and have successful performance. Hence,
delivering the health industry to entrepreneurial managers in the long run will bring back positive
results of growth and development to the body of the health system. Therefore, paying attention
to the identified themes and subthemes and the solutions presented in this study can help nurture
entrepreneurial managers’ and successful performance of the Iran’s health sector.
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