Document Type : Original Article



BACKGROUND: The clinical laboratories require organizational behavior management approach
that creates a balance between directors’ expectations and staffs’ needs in this field. This study was
aimed to explain the role of organizational behavior management in clinical laboratories and suggest
mechanisms for its implementation in these organizations.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this research, using several Persian and English databases by
keywords consist of the clinical laboratory, organizational behavior management, and staff diversity.
Three hundred and fifty four references from 1990 to 2020 were studied, and 72 references, including
abstracts and full papers utilized for this research, and excluded papers presented at conferences,
seminars, and dissertations. Using MESH strategy and Pico’s instruction.
RESULTS: The results of studies revealed staffs’ individual differences in all aspects, including early
and secondary dimensions may influenced the style of leadership implemented in clinical laboratories,
“job‑personality compatibility theory,” job satisfaction and job commitment of staffs work in clinical
laboratories and the way the directors and managers can develop the job loyalty and improve the
organizational productivity in these organizations.
CONCLUSION: It is suggested a conceptual model for understanding and assessing the different
organizational behaviors of clinical laboratories staffs based on communication skills, staffs’
interaction, and socio‑political, economic, and cultural elements, which should be more developed
in future using the other similar studies.


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