Document Type : Original Article


Department of Medical, Student Research Committed, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


BACKGROUND: Considering the importance of virtual professionalism and professional ethics
in medical sciences, and the necessity to pay attention to this issue and its impact on medical
professionalism, this study aimed to build a professional culture questionnaire in a virtual environment
for students of medical sciences in Iran.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is an exploratory, sequential, mixed‑methods research which
was conducted in three sections. In the first section, the concept of e‑professionalism in medical
sciences was analyzed using the hybrid concept analysis in the theoretical work, field work, and final
analysis stages in order to extract information related to the concept. In the second section, an item
of the questionnaire was designed based on the concept, reviewed texts, and related questionnaires,
in the third section, psychometric properties of a questionnaires were evaluated.
RESULTS: Totally, 39 items were included in the initial pool, which reduced to 33 items in the final
questionnaire after reviewing the psychometric properties. Factor analyses led to extraction of five
factors including appraisal of e‑professionalism compliance with the laws and regulations governing
cyberspace, individual professionalism, knowledge management, respect for professionalism in
interpersonal and group rules, and complying with ethics in the use of cyberspace. The internal
consistency of questionnaire was also confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.78, also all
factor correlations absed stability were significant (P < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: An exploratory sequential study in this study led to the extraction of five factors
and development of a 33‑item questionnaire in e‑professionalism. As results and analysis of the
psychometric properties and validation of each item, this questionnaire is valid and reliable for the
assessment of levels of e‑professionalism in medical sciences in Iran.


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