Document Type : Original Article


1 Center for Nursing Care Research, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Statistical Research and Information Technology, Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND: Cancer, as a life‑threatening disease in children, poses several challenges for
parents. It is necessary to have a tool that can comprehensively examine the stressful events for
parents of children with cancer. The aim this present study was done with the aim of study the
Persian version of pediatric inventory for parents (PIP).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was a conducted based on methodological research
design. Four hundred and fifteen parents of children with cancer referring to Alia Asghar Children’s
Hospital and Children’s Medical Centre in Tehran answered the Persian version of PIP questionnaire
in 2019. a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out using LISREL (software version 8.8) to test
the construct validity of PIP. The two tools of parental stress scale and state‑trait anxiety inventory
(STAI‑Y) were used for concurrent validity purposes.
RESULTS: The results showed that, the overall score of the questionnaire was higher than the average
and related to emotional distress. The internal correlation coefficient (Cronbach’s alpha) in both parts
of the PIP was between 0.808 and 0.957 and acceptable. Concurrent validity analysis indicated
positive and significant correlation of this tool in the difficulty section of the scale with both Parental
Stress Scale and STAI‑Y. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the factor loads
of all items except three items in the frequency section were more than 0.3 and were appropriate.
CONCLUSION: The Persian version of PIP can be available to health and family experts as a valid
and reliable tool to assess stressful events of parents of children with cancer.


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