Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Health, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom.

2 Department of Health, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran


Introduction: This study was aimed to compare the effect of nutrition educational program
based on HBM with traditional education recommended weight gain among pregnant women
in Gonabad. Target population was pregnant women who were resided in Gonabad and went
to urban health care centers for prenatal cares. Materials and Methods: 110 pregnant women
(case group: 54, control group: 56) were selected who had come to this centers in the first
stage of prenatal care (6th -10th week of pregnancy) in 1388 and were consequently classified
in case and control group. There is no significant difference for age, education, number of
parity, history of abortion and job between case and control groups. Results: There was no
significant differences in nutritional behavior mean score before intervention in case (74.42
± 12.78) and control (77.14 ± 15.35) groups (P value = 0.82, independent t- test); but after
education, intervention was significant in nutritional behavior between two groups (P value =
0.01, independent t- test); Discussion: after intervention, there also was significant difference
in HBM structures mean score in case group compare with control group and the highest rise
in score was related to perceived benefits (15.13 increment).


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