Fertility and Infertility Research Center, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran
Introduction: Although cesarean section has saved many mothers’ and infants’ lives,
the problem is in its increasing prevalence. According to recent statistics, the current rate
of cesarean in Iran is in fact 3–4 times as more than the standard rate defined by WHO.
Therefore, the present study is aimed to estimate the effect of an instructional program based
on health belief model on reducing cesarean rate among primiparous pregnant women.
Materials and Methods: In this semi‑experimental research, 60 primiparous women who
had visited Bandar Abbas Healthcare Centers were selected as the subjects. They were in
their 26–30th week of pregnancy. They were selected in a multi‑stage cluster sampling method
(a combination of clustering and simple randomization), and were divided into two groups,
subjects and control group. The data were gathered using a valid and reliable questionnaire.
The instructional intervention was done after the completion of the pretest questionnaire based
on the sub‑constructs of the health belief model in six instructional sessions. 1 month after the
intervention, posttest questionnaires were completed by the subjects in both groups. The data
were analyzed using descriptive statistics, standard deviation, independent t‑test, and paired
t‑test. The significance level was set at <0.05. Results: Two groups had a significant difference
between awareness score, perceived sensitivity, intensity, benefits, barriers, self‑efficacy, and
the performance (P < 0.001). In the experimental group, nine subjects (30%) had a natural
delivery. Conclusion: According to the findings of the current research, an instructional program
illuminated (designed) by the health belief model can significantly influence pregnant women’s
awareness, intention, and choice of delivery type.
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