Department of Biostatistics, School of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Background and Purpose: “Uncontrolled anger” threats the compatible and health of people
as serious risk. The effects of weaknesses and shortcomings in the management of anger,
from personal distress and destruction interpersonal relationships beyond and linked to the
public health problems, lack of compromises, and aggressive behavior adverse outcomes.
This study investigates the effects of anger management education on mental health and
aggression of prisoner women in Isfahan. Materials and Methods: The single‑group
quasi‑experimental (pretest, posttest) by prisoner women in the central prison of Isfahan was
done. Multi‑stage random sampling method was used. Initially, 165 women were selected
randomly and completed the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire and the General Health
Questionnaire‑28, and among these, those with scores >78 (the cut point) in aggression scale
was selected and among them 70 were randomly selected. In the next step, interventions in
four 90 min training sessions were conducted. Posttest was performed within 1‑month after
the intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS‑20 software. Results: Data analysis showed
that anger management training was effective in reducing aggression (P < 0.001) and also
had a positive effect on mental health (P < 0.001). Conclusion: According to the importance
of aggression in consistency and individual and collective health and according to findings,
presented educational programs on anger management is essential for female prisoners.
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