Imam Khomeini Hospital, Felavarjan, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Background and Objectives: Congestive heart failure is one of the most common
cardiovascular diseases that have a progressive and chronic trend and influences individuals’
and their families’ various dimensions. Social support is one of the psychosocial factors that
can have a positive effect on individuals’ physical, mental and social status. Despite the
existence of evidences, revealing the importance of family’s support on patients’ condition,
family centered supportive interventions with goal of clinical outcomes improvement have
been less conducted among these patients. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate
the effect of family supportive intervention on the level of the support, received among heart
failure patients. Materials and Methods: This is a two‑group two‑stage clinical trial, conducted
on 64 patients with cardiac failure, referring to selected educational centers and meeting the
inclusion criteria, who were selected through convenient sampling. They were assigned to
study (n = 32) and control (n = 32) groups through random allocation. Data were collected
by questioning through a two‑section medical records questionnaire and were analyzed by
SPSS. Results: Results of the study showed that mean scores of received support score were
13.7 (3.8) in the study and 0.8 (2.4) in the control group. Independent t‑test showed a significant
difference in mean changes of perceived support scores after the intervention between study
and control groups (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Based on familial dimension in social support
have a positive effect on patients’ perceived support. Nurses, as professional members of
health care team, and with an important role in education and care of cardiac failure patients,
can support, educate and guide these patients through designing appropriate care plans and
educating their family members.
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