1 Behavioral Sciences Research Center, School of Nursing
2 Health Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Background: Health‑care acquired infections are significant given the risks and costs
they impose. All previous studies indicate a poor level of knowledge and performance
among the nurses in hospital infections; as such, educating nurses can play an important
role in infection control. This study aimed at evaluating the effects of the health belief
model (HBM) in making nurses adopting health‑care behaviors needed to control nosocomial
infections (Nis). Materials and Methods: The participants of the study were 135 nurses from
two hospitals in Mashhad, Iran. A self‑administered questionnaire was used to collect data.
The questionnaire consisted of seven parts. The intervention group received four 45 min
educational programs, both in individual and collective forms. After a 2‑month interval, a
post‑test was conducted to see whether any difference has been resulted. Results: There
was a significant relationship between knowledge (P = 0.001), perceived threat (P = 0.004),
perceived benefits (P = 0.001), and practices (P = 0.001) in comparing to control and
experimental groups after intervention. For the experimental and control groups, the most
frequent cues to action at the preintervention stage were, respectively, related to the period
of studying at university and in‑service classes. Conclusion: According to this study,
HBM‑based education can increase knowledge, perceived threat, and perceived benefits
of nurses. Additionally, it can reduce perceived barriers and improve the control of NIs
among nurses.
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