
Department of Community Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh, India


BACKGROUND: Modern competency‑based medical education emphasizes student‑centered
teaching‑learning strategies where students take responsibility of their own learning. Student‑centered
approaches facilitate multifaceted learning such as observation, critical evaluation, analysis, deeper
understanding, and application of knowledge. The current study aims at assessing the students’
perception on utilization of clinical case problem‑solving approach (CCPS) to promote their lifelong
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present cross‑sectional study was conducted at College of
Medicine and Health Sciences (CoMHS) during the year 2021‑2022. MD3 students of the academic
year 2021‑2022 were the study participants. The study was approved by institutional Ethic and Review
Committee. Students’ performances were assessed through pre‑test and post‑test performances.
Students’ feedback was collected through a predesigned questionnaire on a 3‑point Likert scale.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient test was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. The data was
entered to Microsoft Excel and analyzed using SPSS software version 22. Paired t‑test was used to
compare pre‑test and post‑test scores and the data was expressed as numbers and percentages.
RESULTS: In total, 103 participants were included in the study. Post‑test scores were significantly
higher compared to pre‑test scores (p < 0.05). Questionnaire results showed that CCPS approach
was accepted as an effective learning strategy. Majority (>90%) of the students expressed CCPS
approach was interesting, motivated to learn, encouraged peer discussion, enhanced knowledge,
and clarified their topic‑related doubts. More than 80% students opined that CCPS enhanced their
critical thinking, problem‑solving ability, deep learning, and lifelong learning skills. Nearly 90% of
the students suggested for including such sessions for more topics in immunology course in future.
CONCLUSION: From our study results, it can be concluded that CCPS is an effective learning
strategy to encourage students’ engagement and promote their deep learning skills.


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