Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral Program in Educational Science, Ganesha University of Education, Bali, Indonesia, Nursing Department, Sanglah General Hospital, Bali, Indonesia

2 Doctoral Program in Educational Science, Ganesha University of Education, Bali, Indonesia

3 Nursing Department, STIKes Wira Medika Bali, Bali, Indonesia


BACKGROUND: Nurse managers are the frontline leaders in the ward that directly impact the quality 
of care services. Many nurse managers in Indonesia were inadequately prepared to fulfill this role, 
especially during this crisis. The objective was to develop blended learning an Integrated Nursing 
Leadership Training (INLeT) using web based and test the effectiveness.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This research is a research development using modified Borg and 
Gall by researcher, namely, Planning, Redesign, Intervention, Modify, and Evaluation. The INLET 
model was validated by nine experts in health and media technology design. Data were tested using 
quasi‑experiment research in Sanglah General Hospital and Wangaya Public Hospital in Bali.
RESULTS: The results of analysis of the content validity of all items valued V index 0.96 (high category) 
from design experts and V Index 0.92 (high category from health experts. The experiment group 
obtained N Gain scored 0.5603 at medium level, and the control group result of N Gain Score was 
0.2845 in the low‑level category. Using t‑test, both the experiment and control group showed significant 
improvement of score test with P = 0.000 (P < 0.005). Bivariate analysis using independent t‑test 
result P = 0.000 (P < 0.005) means significant difference score test compared between experiment 
and control group.
CONCLUSIONS: Using the web, this blended learning INLeT Model is effectively applied for nurse 
manager professional development; therefore, this study can prepare nurse managers into a 
leadership role by integrating moodle web‑based into nursing training.


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