Document Type : Original Article


Department of Nursing, Nursing Care Research Center, Health Research Institute, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran


BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease‑2019 (COVID‑19) crisis has changed many aspects of 
frontline nurses’ lives. Nurses caring for patients with COVID‑19 reported experiencing significant 
psychological distress and work‑related anxiety. This study aimed to assess the perceived stress 
and quality of life among frontline nurses fighting against COVID‑19.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This web‑based cross‑sectional study was conducted on 322 
frontline nurses fighting against COVID‑19 in hospitals affiliated to Mazandaran University of Medical 
Sciences. Data were collected using the two following online questionnaires: the Perceived Stress 
Scale and World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief. Data were compiled from October 23, 
2020, to November 25, 2020. Data were analyzed using the independent sample t‑test, Pearson’s 
correlation test, and regression analysis test in the SPSS‑21.
RESULTS: Average perceived stress scores was 30.27 (standard deviation [SD] = 7.01). Average 
quality of life subscale scores consist of physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and 
environment were 57.71 (SD = 12.74), 44.3 (SD = 15.58), 45.61 (SD = 16.99), and 47.6 (SD = 18.11), 
respectively. There was an inverse significant association between all the subscales of quality of life 
and perceived stress (P = 0.008). Based on the multiple linear regression analysis, the variables 
of age, gender, marital status, and perceived stress were the significant predictors of quality of life 
CONCLUSIONS: Paying serious attention to addressing the concerns of frontline nurses, especially 
those who are at high risk, is necessary. It is recommended to take action as soon as possible to 
reduce the perceived stress and improve quality of life on nurses who care for patients with COVID‑19.


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