Document Type : Original Article
- . Bouhaba Abdelmounaim
- . Zineb Boumaaize 1
- . Youssef Elmadhi 2
- . Hinde Hami
- . Abdelmajid Soulaymani
- . Hajar Darif
1 Laboratory of Informatics Systems and Optimization, Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
2 Laboratory of Education, Environment and Health (EES) at CRMEF Rabat / Sale / Kenitra, Morocco
BACKGROUND: Stress and burnout syndrome are more common for people who work in professions
that include direct contact with humans, such as education and the medical field. To contribute to
the prevention of this syndrome, the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS) has been
validated and used in different countries worldwide except for Morocco. The main purpose of this
study is to develop and validate a special version of the MBI‑SS scale to assess academic burnout
among Moroccan trainee teachers during their training period.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A self‑administered questionnaire was carried out to assess the
sociodemographic factors and certain stressors of the interviewees as well as the MBI‑SS. Two
hundred fifty‑five trainee teachers of the CRMEF (Regional Centre for Education and Training)
participated to assess the validity of the MBI-SS scale in its French version and its three components
during the academic year 2020/2021 of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region. The inferential method of data
analysis was used by Cronbach’s alpha to determine the overall reliability of the instrument as well
as the three components of the assessment. After that, exploratory factor analysis was carried out.
RESULTS: Sixty five percent of the participant were male, and most of them were between the ages of
20 and 30 years. The results demonstrated a satisfactory psychometric characteristic for its dimensions
and validated the 3-dimensional structure of the MBI-SSM, yet they indicate the necessity to remove
two items to guarantee their reliability. The Cronbach’s alpha value of the MBI‑SSM was greater
than (0.7). The Cronbach’s alpha also showed a good homogeneity for the three dimensions of the
MBI‑SSM, (0.853) for emotional exhaustion, (0.570) for cynicism, and (0.776) for academic efficacy.
CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that the MBI-SSM is determined to be an objective and a valid
instrument and can be used to assess academic burnout in the Moroccan context.
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