Document Type : Original Article


Infectious Diseases Research Center, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran


BACKGROUND: The extent and complexity of knowledge in the field of medicine necessitate 
modern education systems. Rational performance in the education system depends on the synergy 
of educators through knowledge sharing as the basis of education. The aim of this study was 
to investigate the knowledge‑sharing strategies in clinical education and its changes during the 
COVID‑19 pandemic.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The content analysis was conducted in 2019 at Birjand University 
of Medical Sciences. Twenty‑seven clinical instructors with enough experience and knowledge in 
the field of clinical education were chosen based on purposive theoretical sampling. Data collection 
was done by semi‑structured interviews, which continued until data saturation. The interviews were 
recorded, transcribed, and read several times to obtain a whole understanding. Next, the meaning 
units and initial codes were identified, and then, they were classified into subcategories and categories. 
To ensure the trustworthiness of the data, Lincoln and Guba criteria were considered.
RESULTS: The results of the study include five pedagogical knowledge‑sharing strategies: 
“peer‑helping, clinical education workplace,” “use of cyberspace,” “student mediation,” “working 
teams,” and “scientific communities.” Coronavirus pandemic was identified as the “facilitator” and the 
“culturalization factor” of knowledge sharing. In addition, “lack of shared knowledge management,” 
“lack of compliance with needs,” and “dispersion of content” were considered as barriers to the 
efficiency of pedagogical knowledge sharing during the coronavirus pandemic.
CONCLUSIONS: Sharing knowledge in a clinical education setting could continue by various 
strategies. The results can be used in planning for the professional development of professors.


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