Document Type : Original Article


1 Health Management and Economics Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Health Information Technology Research Center, Student Research Committee, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 3 Department of Health Care Management, Student Research Committee, School of Management and Medical Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, iran


BACKGROUND: Medical equipment plays an important role in the diagnosis, treatment, and medical 
education, and each year the major share of hospital costs (about 5%–15% annually) is allocated to 
the purchase of medical equipment. The selection and allocation of medical equipment should be 
appropriate and in line with the actual needs of the medical centers, clinical goals, human resources, 
and the conditions required to ensure safety. The purpose of this study was to study and evaluate 
current systems of medical equipment management and identify their strengths and weaknesses in 
Isfahan educational hospitals in 2018.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a descriptive‑applied research that was done in a 
cross‑sectional way in 2018. The statistical population of the research is the authorities of medical 
equipment and other persons related to the management of medical equipment of selected educational 
hospitals in Isfahan. The data collection tool is a questionnaire.
RESULTS: The result of this study was gathered in four areas: medical equipment management, 
safety, preventive maintenance, and training.
CONCLUSION: According to this study, there is no comprehensive program in hospitals for how 
to manage medical equipment, which itself causes the loss of material and equipment capital of 
the organization. In most cases, the lack of a system for planning and controlling the amount of 
inventory and purchasing and maintaining medical equipment creates many problems, such as the 
accumulation and depreciation of equipment or the lack of these facilities in critical situations. In this 
study, it is suggested initially a scientific control system. Medical equipment is designed so that the 
hospital’s need for equipment at any time of year and the amount of its equipment are clear so that 
it can be easily decided in this field.


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