Document Type : Original Article
- . Ghobad Ramezani
- . Azam Norouzi
- . Seyed Kamran Soltani Arabshahi
- . Zohreh Sohrabi
- . Atefeh Zabihi Zazoli
- . Shahrzad Saravani
- . Ghadir Pourbairamian
BACKGROUND: Learners have various processing and understanding of the environment and issues
and choose different strategies for problem‑solving considering learning and studying approaches.
The purpose of this study was to examine medical students’ learning approaches and their association
with academic performance and problem‑solving styles.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted using the descriptive‑correlational method.
The statistical population comprised medical students of Iran University of Medical Sciences during
the academic year of 2019–2020. Of them, 168 subjects were chosen based on simple random
sampling and Morgan Table. Study tools include the Standard Approaches and Study Skills Inventory
for Students (ASSIST) Questionnaire, which includes 18 items and a Likert five‑choice spectrum,
and includes a deep, superficial, and strategic approach. Its reliability was determined by Cronbach’s
alpha of 0.81. Problem‑Solving Style Questionnaire developed by Cassidy and Long was used. This
instrument included 24 items and 6 components, and its reliability equaled 0.83, which was their
grade point average. Data were analyzed using normality tests, paired t‑test, Pearson correlation
coefficient, and regression through SPSS 16 software.
RESULTS: Results implied the positive and significant relationship between deep‑strategic approaches,
problem‑solving styles, and academic performance of medical students (P < 0.001); furthermore,
there was no significant difference between learning approaches based on gender (P > 0.001), while
there was a significant difference between two groups in terms of problem‑solving styles (P < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Because deep and strategic approaches predict academic performance and
problem‑solving styles, the diagnostic assessment must be done at the beginning of the educational
process to determine the type of learners’ approaches. Such an evaluation can be used to implement
instructional strategies and educational designs to improve the academic performance of students.
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