Document Type : Original Article
- . Maryam Ehsani
- . Mansoureh Ashghali Farahani
- . Shima Haghani
- . Shiva Khaleghparast
- . Mahboubeh Malekmohammadi Memar
Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical and Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
BACKGROUND: Despite new anticoagulants’ developments, warfarin is still one of the most
commonly used medicines, particularly in the cardiovascular system. One of the significant challenges
with warfarin is the prevalence of dangerous side effects such as bleeding and drug and food
interactions, which can negatively affect patients if not adequately controlled. As health‑care team
members, nurses have a crucial role in prescribing this medicine and educating patients. In this
regard, this study was conducted to determine the knowledge and practice of nurses working in the
cardiovascular wards regarding warfarin.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this cross‑sectional, descriptive study, knowledge and practice
of 239 nurses working in the cardiovascular wards of teaching hospitals affiliated to Iran University
of Medical Sciences have been investigated using European Cardiovascular Nurses Knowledge
questionnaire on anticoagulants and the checklist for high‑risk drugs safety instructions. The sampling
was performed through the stratified sampling method with proportional allocation. Data were analyzed
using the SPSS software version 16 through descriptive and inferential statistics (independent t‑test,
one‑way analysis of variance, and Pearson correlation coefficient) (Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
RESULTS: The mean scores of knowledge (18.51 ± 3.87) and practice (10.53 ± 2.12) were
slightly higher than the median, and the lowest mean score was related to knowledge on drug
interactions (7.62). The practice had a statistically significant relationship with knowledge (P ˂ 0.001).
Regarding demographic variables, there was a statistically significant relationship between nurses’
knowledge and the education level (P = 0.009) and nurses’ practice and age (P = 0.022), work
experience (P = 0.032), and work experience in cardiovascular wards (P = 0.036).
CONCLUSIONS: Based on the findings of this study, the knowledge of nurses working in the
cardiovascular wards about warfarin was not sufficient, and their practice was of poor quality. Nurses’
lack of knowledge and improper practice can jeopardize drug safety in patients and cause serious
side effects such as bleeding. Proper training of nursing students and nurses about warfarin as a
high‑risk drug, its side effects, and drug‑food interactions, and the emphasis on patient education in
patients receiving this medicine can effectively reduce the incidence of side effects.
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