Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Medical and Dental Education, Shifa College of Dentistry, Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Islamabad Pakistan

2 Department of Medical Education, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan


BACKGROUND: Since the field of health professions education (HPE) is an emerging trend in the
country, educationists face considerable challenges in their workplaces while proposing any changes
in the existing systems of academic institutions. The challenges affect the quality of work, hinder
innovation, and create a dysfunctional work environment, non‑conducive for both personal and
professional progress. The study was conducted to explore the various kinds of challenges faced
by educationists while bringing changes to the existing systems of academic institutions in Pakistan.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A qualitative exploratory research design was used to explore the
challenges faced by health professions educationists in Pakistan during their efforts to bring about
changes in the existing systems and structures. Thirteen health professions educationists working
in various academic institutions of Pakistan were interviewed through one‑to‑one semi‑structured
interviews from March to May 2022. The data obtained were analyzed through manual thematic
analysis, and themes and subthemes were identified.
RESULTS: Four themes emerged after qualitative data analysis explaining the predominant
challenges faced by educationists. These included challenges related to faculty and staff, institutional
constraints, challenges from leadership, and stakeholders’ apprehension.
CONCLUSION: Challenges are inevitable at every workplace but the field of health professions
education in Pakistan faces significant challenges in institutions, leading to hindrance in positive
developments and innovations in the field. Educationists should be skilled at recognizing the
predominant challenges in the workplace and be equipped with strategies to manage conflicts to
achieve productive results and to promote the long‑overdue reforms in the field.


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