Document Type : Original Article
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to identify the parents’ experience of moral education
to their children in secondary school and with a phenomenological method.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Participants include parents of students who received a high score
after taking Dr. Lotfabadi’s moral development test and extracting the results. The students’ parents
consciously and satisfactorily participated in the semi‑structured interviews prepared for this purpose,
and the interviews continued until the saturation stage, so the final sample size was 22 participants.
The data obtained from the interview were then analyzed using the Van Menen method to discover
the meaning of the students “parents” experiences of moral education.
RESULTS: Findings were revealed in 5 main themes of social ethics, family ethics, individual ethics,
self‑care ethics, and environmental ethics and 15 sub‑themes.
CONCLUSION: According to the findings of this study, it seems that parents to pay more attention to
the components of social ethics, family ethics, individual‑human ethics, self‑care ethics, environmental
ethics to succeed in raising children with desirable moral development pay special attention to these
components to raise worthy children with desirable moral development.
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