Document Type : Original Article
Department of Education, North‑Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India
BACKGROUND: Life skills are crucial for young adults to lead a successful, satisfying, and productive
life. There is enough evidence suggesting a positive relationship between life skills and academic
performance. Substance abuse among adolescents is a common problem that often leads to academic
disorientation and delinquent behavior. This study aimed to determine whether life skills and attitudes
toward alcohol abuse predicted school students’ academic achievement.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: The participants (N = 726) enrolled in senior secondary schools of
Sikkim, a north‑eastern state of India, constituted the population of the present study. Data were
collected using the “Life Skills Assessment Scale” developed by Subashree and Nair (2014), and
the “Attitude towards Alcohol Abuse Scale” developed by the investigators.
RESULT: Life skills and attitude toward alcohol abuse significantly predict students’ academic
achievement. 15.3% variance in academic achievements of the students was explained by life
skills and attitude toward alcohol abuse. Further, the t‑test result reflects that both the variables had
significant predictive power to predict students’ academic achievement.
CONCLUSION: The finding shows that there was a significant relationship between academic
achievement and life skills and attitude toward alcohol abuse of school students. Life skills and
attitude toward alcohol abuse predicted 15.3% of the variance in academic achievement.
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