1 School of Public Health, All India Institute of Medical Science, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
2 School of Public Health, Department of Community and Family Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Science, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
3 Department of Community and Family Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Science, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
The COVID‑19 pandemic has disordered the lives of millions in an unprecedented way. A state of
mental health crisis has emerged across the globe. The lifestyle and well‑being of the individual and
social integrity have been adversely affected. One‑third of US citizens and one in five Indian citizens
suffer from depression due to this pandemic. This scoping review aimed to estimate the mental health
challenges and their possible solutions in the recent two years (2020–2021). Our search strategy
used search engines such as Medline, Google Scholar and PubMed. The search strategy used the
MeSH keywords “Mental Health AND Covid‑19”. The findings emerged in the following key points:
anxiety and depression, social isolation and quarantine, and vulnerable or high‑risk groups. Out
of 216 articles screened, 20 were found eligible to meet the inclusion criteria. Most of the studies
focused on psychological anxiety, stress and mental disorder during the pandemic. Psychosocial
assessment and monitoring in the context of COVID‑19 should include inquiries about stressors
related to COVID‑19, like exposure to infected sources, infected family members, loss of loved ones,
physical distance; secondary adverse events like economic loss, psychosocial effects like depression,
anxiety, psychosomatic preoccupations, insomnia, increased substance use, domestic violence; and
indicators of vulnerability like pre‑existing physical or psychological conditions.
health disruptions during COVID‑19. Proc Natl Acad Sci
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4. "Understanding India’s mental health crisis". Ideas for India.
[Internet] Available from
human-development/understanding-india-s-mental-healthcrisis.html. [Last accessed on 2022 Mar 22].
5. The Shadow Pandemic: Violence against women during
COVID‑19 | UN Women – Headquarters. Available
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2021 Oct 05].
6. Kumar A, Nayar KR. COVID 19 and its mental health
consequences. J Ment Health 2021;30:1‑2.
7. Vindegaard N, Benros ME. COVID‑19 pandemic and mental
health consequences: Systematic review of the current evidence.
Brain Behav Immun 2020;89:531‑42.
8. Wu T, Jia X, Shi H, Niu J, Yin X, Xie J, Wang X. Prevalence of mental
health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic
review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2020
Dec 3;281:91-8.
9. Rajkumar RP. COVID‑19 and mental health: A review of the
existing literature. Asian J Psychiatry 2020;52:102066
10. Jones EAK, Mitra AK, Bhuiyan AR. Impact of COVID‑19 on
mental health in adolescents: A systematic review. Int J Environ
Res Public Health 2021;18:2470.
11. Chen J, Farah N, Dong RK, Chen RZ, Xu W, Yin J, et al. Mental
health during the COVID‑19 crisis in Africa: A systematic review
and meta‑analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18:10604.
12. Varghese A, George G, Kondaguli SV, Naser AY, Khakha DC,
Chatterji R. Decline in the mental health of nurses across the globe
during COVID‑19: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. J Glob
Health 2021;11:5009.
13. Nam S‑H, Nam J‑H, Kwon C‑Y. Comparison of the mental health
impact of COVID‑19 on vulnerable and non‑vulnerable groups:
A systematic review and meta‑analysis of observational studies.
Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18:10830.
14. Henssler J, Stock F, van Bohemen J, Walter H, Heinz A, Brandt
L. Mental health effects of infection containment strategies:
quarantine and isolation-a systematic review and meta-analysis.
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 2020
Oct 6;271(2):223-34.
15. Krishnamoorthy Y, Nagarajan R, Saya GK, Menon V. Prevalence
of psychological morbidities among general population,
healthcare workers and COVID‑19 patients amidst the COVID‑19
pandemic: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. Psychiatry Res
16. Nochaiwong S, Ruengorn C, Thavorn K, Hutton B, Awiphan R,
Phosuya C, et al. Global prevalence of mental health issues among
the general population during the coronavirus disease‑2019
pandemic: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. Sci Rep
17. Almeda N, García‑Alonso C, Salvador‑Carulla L. Mental health
planning at a very early stage of the COVID‑19 crisis: A systematic
review of online international strategies and recommendations.
BMC Psychiatry 2021;21:43.
18. Wang Y, Kala MP, Jafar TH. Factors associated with psychological
distress during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19)
pandemic on the predominantly general population: A systematic
review and meta‑analysis. PLoS One 2020;15:e0244630.
19. Pappa S, Chen J, Barnet J, Chang A, Dong RK, Xu W, et al. A
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Mental Health
Symptoms during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Southeast Asia.
medRxiv. 2021 Jan 1;2021.06.03.21258001.
20. Santabárbara J, Lasheras I, Lipnicki DM, Bueno-Notivol J, PérezMoreno M, López-Antón R, et al. Prevalence of anxiety in the
COVID-19 pandemic: An updated meta-analysis of communitybased studies. Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology &
Biological Psychiatry. 2020 Dec 15;109:110207.
21. Chiesa V, Antony G, Wismar M, Rechel B. COVID‑19 pandemic:
Health impact of staying at home, social distancing and
‘lockdown’ measures—A systematic review of systematic reviews.
J Public Health (Oxf) 2021;43:e462‑81.
22. Almeida IL de L, Rego JF, Teixeira ACG, Moreira MR. Social
isolation and its impact on child and adolescent development: a
systematic review. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2021;40:e2020385.
23. Boden M, Cohen N, Froelich JM, Hoggatt KJ, Abdel Magid H S,
Mushiana SS. Mental disorder prevalence among populations
impacted by coronavirus pandemics: A multilevel meta‑analytic
study of COVID‑19, MERS & SARS. Gen Hosp Psychiatry
24. Pashazadeh Kan F, Raoofi S, Rafiei S, Khani S, Hosseinifard H,
Tajik F, et al. A systematic review of the prevalence of anxiety
among the general population during the COVID‑19 pandemic.
J Affect Disord 2021;293:391‑8.
25. Gentry SV, Thomas-Meyer M, Tyrrell CS, Mavrodaris A,
Williams R, Wallbank S, et al. What are the mental health impacts
of epidemics on relatives of people affected, and relatives of
healthcare workers: What interventions are available to support
them? A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Compr
Psychiatry. 2021:152288.
26. Liyanage S, Saqib K, Khan AF, Thobani TR, Tang WC, Chiarot CB,
et al. Prevalence of anxiety in university Students during the
COVID‑19 pandemic: A systematic review. Int J Environ Res
Public Health 2021;19:62.