Document Type : Original Article


International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), South‑East Asia Office, New Delhi, India


BACKGROUND: Tobacco is one of the biggest threats to the public health. Tobacco harms not only
human health but also the environment. The Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) was
implemented in India in 2003. Compliance of these laws in public places is mandatory. This study
presents an innovative model to make hospitals tobacco‑free. The aim is to assess the effectiveness
of implementation of tobacco‑free hospitals among security guards, tobacco users, and key observers
visiting a tertiary care dental hospital through a comprehensive strategy.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: An exploratory study was conducted in three phases. Structured
training was organized for all security guards (n = 25) along with pre‑ and post‑assessment using
a validated questionnaire. All the patients and attendants entering the hospital were screened
for tobacco products by security guards. Those patients who were carrying tobacco products
to the hospital (n = 107) were interviewed using a validated questionnaire. Opinions of key
observers (n = 223) who witnessed the event were also recorded. Descriptive statistics (means,
frequency distribution) and inferential statistics (Chi‑square test) were calculated.
RESULTS: At the baseline, only 20% security guards were aware about tobacco legislations, whereas
after 1 month, more than 80% security guards were aware about the laws. Around two‑third of study
participants of both the groups were aware of COTPA Section 4. Approximately 33.6% of tobacco
users and 58.4% of key observers were aware of COTPA Section 6b. Forty tobacco users in the
study availed tobacco cessation services of the hospital.
CONCLUSION: Every staff should be a torch bearer of tobacco control. The study highlights
a comprehensive approach of integrating hospital staff and linking vital cessation services by
implementing Sections of COTPA.


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