Document Type : Original Article
Department of Public Health, Khomein University of Medical Sciences, Khomein, Iran
BACKGROUND: The COVID‑19 pandemic has become a major problem for education systems. This
study was conducted to investigate the effect of educational intervention based on the self‑efficacy
theory of high‑school students in adopting preventive behaviors of COVID‑19.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: This quasi‑experimental study was performed on Hazrat Zahra and
Shahed high‑school students in Jahrom (southern Iran) in 2021. In total, 160 students (80 each in
the intervention group and the control group) were selected by multistage random sampling. Data
collection tools included a demographic information questionnaire and self‑efficacy in adopting
preventive behaviors from COVID‑19 researcher‑made questionnaire. Questionnaires were completed
by all participants before and 3 months after the educational intervention. The educational intervention
was performed for 6 weeks by using an educational program based on Bandura self‑efficacy theory.
The intervention was performed during 12 sessions of face‑to‑face training in the classroom (two 1‑h
sessions per week), distributing educational packages and sending educational videos through
cyberspace. Data were analyzed using Chi‑square test, independent t test, paired t test, and linear
RESULTS: After the educational intervention, a significant difference was observed in the intervention
group before and after the educational intervention (P = 0.018) and between the intervention and the
control groups (P = 0.001) in the self‑efficacy in adopting preventive behaviors from COVID‑19 score.
Also, the average self‑efficacy score of students increased with an increase in parental education
level and a history of COVID‑19 in family members.
CONCLUSION: Educational intervention based on self‑efficacy theory was shown as an effective
method to improve students’ self‑efficacy in adopting preventive behaviors from COVID‑19.
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