Document Type : Original Article
Medical Education Development Center, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran
CONTEXT: Medical ethics is a practical subject as well as a branch of ethical philosophy and an
integral part of the proper practice in medicine. However, the ethics changes in places and over time
and is variable. Furthermore, many issues that have occurred as a result of advances in technology
add to the complexity of the ethical issues. Therefore, the objective of this research was to explore
medical teachers’ and interns’ experiences regarding professional ethics.
METHODS: This study was a qualitative content analysis conducted on 10 professionals and 10
interns of the surgery and internal departments of medical and educational centers in Qom University
of Medical Sciences to discover their experiences of the medical professional ethics. The sampling
method was purposive, and data were collected through semi‑structured interviews. Data analysis
was performed using a qualitative content analysis method with a conventional approach.
RESULTS: Three main categories were obtained from the data analysis, including adherence to
professional values, organizational conditions, and individual characteristics.
CONCLUSIONS: Adherence to professional values, paying attention to individual characteristics,
and organizational conditions are among the factors affecting the promotion of medical professional
ethics; therefore, it seems that appropriate interventions on these important components can help
promote the professional ethics training in the clinical practice.
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