Document Type : Original Article


1 Medical Education and National Agency for Strategic Research in Medical Education, Tehran, Iran, (NASR) Department of Clinical Science and Education, Karolinska Institute, Soder Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

2 Medical Education and Community Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,

3 Medical Education


INTRODUCTION: Assessment interprofessional collaboration (IPC), in community health‑care
setting usually has been neglected due to the lack of standard tools and assessors. In the present
study, the IPC checklist extracted from CANMEDS collaborator toolkit for teaching and assessing
the collaborator role is contextualized in Iranian community healthcare.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: According to CANMEDS Toolkit, an instrument extracted for IPC
assessment. Using Chavez’ toolkit, face and content validity were studied through two rounds of
Delphi by 12 experts of TUMS. Qualitative content validity including content validity index (CVI),
and content validity ratio (CVR) were assessed following watching a standard video about IPC by
them. Construct validity was studied by confirmatory factor analysis through LISREL software. To
check reliability, Cronbach’s alpha was calculated, and the other 12 experts completed checklists in
test–retest process with a 2‑week interval.
RESULTS: Face and qualitative content validity were confirmed using the Delphi method. CVI and
CVR were calculated as 0.61 and 0.86. In factor analysis, x2/df and RMSEA were calculated as
1.363 and 0.036; CFI, IFI, GFI, and AGFI were >0.7, and hence, the construct validity was confirmed.
Cronbach’s alpha was 0.953 for internal consistency. Test–retest was also calculated as 0.918
indicated to confirm reliability.
CONCLUSION: CANMEDS framework as an assessment tool for evaluating IPC in community health
setting is not only valid and reliable in the Iranian context but also it is easy to use for respondents
resulted from the rational number of items in community.


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