Document Type : Original Article
Health Care Centre, Ayurveda Section, Kaivalyadham Yoga Institute, Lonavla, Pune, Maharashtra, India
BACKGROUND: Occupational stress is known as harmful physical and emotional responses that
occur when the requirements of the job do not match the resources, needs, or capabilities of an
employee, leading to poor mental and physical health.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of 1‑week residential yoga
training program on occupational stress and its subscales among principals.
METHODS: Thirty‑three principals with ages 40–59 years completed the assessment. They received
yoga training at Kaivalyadham Yoga Institute. All the participants were recruited by Kendriya Vidyalaya
Sangathan as part of their on‑duty yoga training. At the baseline and after 1 week of yoga training
participants were assessed for occupational stress. The yoga intervention was given in the morning
and evening for 105 min. Apart from yoga training, all the participants were engaged in lectures based
on stress management, yoga for total health, meditation, yoga in school education, and scientific
basis of yoga, daily for 3 h.
RESULTS: The principals showed a significant decrease in role overload (P < 0.001), role
ambiguity (P < 0.01), role conflict (P < 0.05), under participation (P < 0.001), powerlessness (P < 0.001),
intrinsic impoverishment (P < 0.01), law status (P < 0.001), and overall occupational stress (P < 0.001)
after 7 days of yoga training intervention. However, there was no significant change in unreasonable
group and political pressure (P > 0.05), responsibility for persons (P > 0.05), poor peer
relations (P > 0.05), strenuous working conditions (P > 0.05), and unprofitability (P > 0.05) after
yoga training intervention.
CONCLUSION: The present study suggests that 1 week of residential yoga training program can
improve occupational stress in principals.
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