Document Type : Original Article
Department of Midwifery, Pregnancy Health Research Center, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran
BACKGROUND: Negative attitudes toward vaginal delivery are an important reason for pregnant
women to undergo a cesarean section. Therefore, this study was performed to evaluate the effect
of motivational interviewing on attitude and choice of primigravida women on type of delivery in
requesting elective cesarean section.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this single‑blind clinical trial, 120 primigravida women in
28–31 weeks of gestation with normal pregnancy determined by a multistage sampling were randomly
chosen from ten health centers of Zahedan city in 2019 and were divided into two groups. Motivational
interviewing was performed in four sessions within 90 min in the experimental group, and the
control group received routine care service. Attitude (before and 1 month after the intervention) and
performance (after delivery) were evaluated using a valid and reliable researcher‑made questionnaire.
The collected data were analyzed using different proportions, paired t‑test, independent t‑test,
covariance analysis, and Shapiro–Wilk and the Chi‑square methods.
RESULTS: There was a significant difference in the attitude of participants between the two groups
after the intervention (P = 0.001). The mean difference of pre‑ and posttest was significant in relation
to attitude scores in the two groups (P = 0.001), and the difference between the two groups was also
statistically significant between the two groups in terms of delivery type (P = 0.03).
CONCLUSION: We conclude that motivational interviewing can be a useful tool to change the attitude
and decrease the rate of unnecessary cesarean among pregnant women. It is recommended to
examine the impact of this method on women from different societies who have various educational
backgrounds and cultures.
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